The Tim Buckley Archives

The Tim Buckley Library

Juan Rulfo

The Burning Plain and Other Stories - Juan Rulfo
(El llano en llamas) (1953)
Translated by George Schade

Two of the best-known stories in this collection are ¡Diles que no me maten! (Tell Them Not To Kill Me!), about an old man, set to be executed, whose prison guard happens to be the son of a man he killed; and ¿No oyes ladrar los perros? (Don't You Hear the Dogs Bark?), about a man carrying his estranged, adult, wounded son on his back to find a doctor.

Juan Rulfo (1917 – 1986) was a Mexican author and photographer. One of Latin America's most esteemed authors, Rulfo's reputation rests on two slim books, the novel Pedro Páramo (1955), and El llano en llamas (1953,fifteen of the seventeen short stories translated into English The Burning Plain and Other Stories), a collection of short stories that includes his admired tale ¡Diles que no me maten! (Tell Them Not to Kill Me!).

He was named alongside Jorge Luis Borges as the best Spanish-language writer of the 20th century in a poll conducted by Editorial Alfaguara.

Gabriel García Márquez noted that all of Rulfo's published writing, put together, "add up to no more than 300 pages; but that is almost as many, and I believe they are as durable, as the pages that have come down to us from Sophocles."

A heavy smoker, Juan Rulfo died, aged 68, of lung cancer in Mexico City in 1986.

Source - Wikipedia

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