| | 1966
- Tim Buckley, Elektra Records "Didn't
quite reach the heights of his later work, but it established him as an incredibly
unique vocalist and songwriter. Recorded when he was just 19, Buckley's sad, fragile
songs seem to ring in the ears for days..." Jon
Pruett - Rhapsody.com |
 | | 1967
- Hello and Goodbye, Elektra Records "Despite
the sunny cover, the songs reflect the chaos of the unsettled times in which the
album was conceived and created..." Michael Fremer - Musicangle.com |
 | | 1968
- Happy/Sad, Elektra Records "A
treasure of incredible, rare, aesthetic excellence, Listen to it. A love record
-- to absorb in solitude. To just lie and listen to. Over and over..."
Pete Frame - Zigzag |
 | | 1969
- Blue Afternoon, Straight/Warner Brothers Records "Like
most truly satisfying experiences, Blue Afternoon falls short of accurate verbal
description. Listen, and hear for yourself..." The
New York Times |
 | | 1970
- Lorca, Elektra Records "The
music leaves this world, and enters a metaphysical landscape. Melodies appear
and disappear in an atmosphere of lugubrious suspense..." Piero Scaruffi
- scaruffi.com |
 | | 1970
- Starsailor, Straight/Warner Brothers Records "Five
out of five - must be heard to be believed..." Mike
Bourne - Downbeat Magazine "Essential
listening..." Rolling
Stone |
 | | 1972
- Greetings from LA, Straight/Warner Brothers Records "Sweat-drenched,
white-soul masterpiece that rivals Marvin Gayes Lets Get It
On..." David Peschek - Time Out London |
 | | 1973
- Sefronia, Discreet/Warner Brothers Records "Jazzier,
more expansive in its use of colour instruments. 'Dolphins' remains a classic
of taut, barely suppressed energy, one which still sends my fingernails deep into
the palms of my hands..." Ken
Hunt - Rough Guides Music |
 | | 1974
- Look at the Fool, Discreet/Warner Brothers Records "It
is simply the best Buckley album for many years - a new interest can be heard,
Latin-American rhythms. The music is boiling and swings like hell, and again Tim
sings the stars from heaven in songs which relate to sex at least 90% of the time Bert
van de Kamp - OOR Magazine |