- Midnight Special The
Midnight Special was a weekly musical television series that aired live during
the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman and airing on
NBC. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular
series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. Source
- Wikipedia
On January 25, 1974 - the second season of the show - Tim Buckley appeared on
The Midnight Special, hosted by Steve Miller, along with announcer and
frequent host Wolfman Jack. - Steve
Miller Band (hosts) - The Joker, Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma, Fly Like an Eagle
and Sugar Babe
- Brownsville
Station - Smokin' in the Boys Room
- Tim
Buckley - Dolphins and Honey Man
- James
Cotton Band - Rocket 88, Big Boss Man (with Steve Miller)
- Genesis
- Watcher of the Skies and The Musical Box
- James
Gang - It Must Be Love
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