O.k. Did you listen to his records after 11/66?
FLYNPISCES> I was given a copy of Dream Letter, but didn't
seek to listen, too painful.
LORCA> Did you ever hear HAPPY SAD?
FLYNPISCES> My second husband was not too keen on Tim Buckley
LORCA> What did you think of "Dream Letter,"
the song?
FLYNPISCES> I heard it first on the radio - it made me
cry...because it expressed such tender feelings for a son
who'd never hear them from his own lips.
LORCA> Do you think he was sincere in the song?
FLYNPISCES> It IS entitled *dream* letter - I think he
may have wished that he knew a way to fit us in his life and
still take the road he was about to take...but I don't think
he ever acted on that dream.
LORCA> Yes... Do you think he felt a lot of guilt?
FLYNPISCES> I can't say that. I wasn't with him to know.
LORCA> Abandoning you & Jeff was a terrible thing.
Did you ever forgive him?
FLYNPISCES> I'm going to take a long time to answer this
one - bear with me...
LORCA> o.k.
FLYNPISCES> If I had a son who was as talented as Tim was,
and he made a mistake with a girl his own age that could hinder
an otherwise unobstructed career, I'd hope he could make whatever
choice his conscience and circumstances afforded him and learn
to live with the consequences. Both Tim and I had choices
to make. We made them, we lived by them.
LORCA> A compassionate response...
FLYNPISCES> I feel strongly that if Tim had lived, he would
have done right by his son.
FLYNPISCES> In every way.
LORCA> He saw Jeff again around Easter '74 (or '75?)
FLYNPISCES> Yes. That's a very poignant story. A long one.
LORCA> Do you want to talk about it?
FLYNPISCES> I'll try to give you the highlights.
LORCA> o.k.
FLYNPISCES> My second marriage had ended, and I was thinking
about trying to get in touch with Tim, again, just to let
him know that it would be possible for him to see his son,
FLYNPISCES> I opened the paper and saw an ad for a "one
night only" performance of Tim's in a nearby club. I
called during his sound check and made arrangements for my
son and I to attend.
FLYNPISCES> Tim left us tickets at the door and we watched
the first set together.
FLYNPISCES> During the intermission, we went back to the
dressing room and Jeff flew into his father's arms.
FLYNPISCES> They held each other for the first time since
he was a toddler...and the scene was the most heartrending
sight I'd seen in my life.
FLYNPISCES> I left them alone and when Jeff returned to
our seats he had a grin as big as his face. After the show,
Tim's wife, Judy asked if they could take Jeff home with them
for a brief visit.
FLYNPISCES> I agreed, and brought his clothes from home
to where Tim was living the following day. They spent four
days together during that Easter vacation.
FLYNPISCES> Jeff returned, with a matchbook with his father's
phone number written in it, and a new outfit.
FLYNPISCES> That was two months before Tim died.
LORCA> So sad...
FLYNPISCES> It was wonderful! Just think! If it hadn't
happened - no it was glorious!
FLYNPISCES> It's the best thing I ever did for that boy!
LORCA> Yes I see what you mean.
FLYNPISCES> That and letting him own his own music, of
LORCA> Did you go to Tim's funeral?
FLYNPISCES> We were not invited.
LORCA> Why not?
I don't know, and I'd rather not dwell on that issue.
LORCA> O.k. let's move past that. I forgot to ask you about
Tim's sister, Kathleen? How much younger was she than Tim?
FLYNPISCES> She was just five when I met her. Cute as a
button! That would make her 12 years his junior.
LORCA> O.k. I've pretty much covered my prepared questions
(though I could go on for hours--but I won't). Any particulalrly
telling anecdotes about Tim you care to relate?
FLYNPISCES> There are others in the room, I'll open it
up to anything I can answer...but take your time.
.Jzero1> Bob...Could we ask Mary about her friend Larry
Beckett and of course Fred Neil?
.Jzero1> What was Larry like?
LORCA> Oh yes, Fred. How did he & Tim meet?
.Jzero1> I'm sorry Bob
LORCA> No problemo
FLYNPISCES> When I met Tim, he was already "attached"
to Larry. They were the fearsome twosome at Loara.
FLYNPISCES> They would start reciting ancient English poetry
in the quad during lunch..
FLYNPISCES> Just blowing all those "tidy" people
FLYNPISCES> Everyone thought they were either crazy or
brilliant - I belonged to the latter.
LORCA> Did Tim write the music before Larry wrote the lyrics
or what?
FLYNPISCES> Both were prolific poets, each fed on the others'
creativity - sometimes they just swapped poetry, and Tim would
supply melody, for most.
LORCA> Did Tim read a lot of poetry?
FLYNPISCES> I'd be hard pressed to name one...they mostly
wrote it themselves.
FLYNPISCES> Karouac, is the only one that comes to mind.
FLYNPISCES> that and Lord Buckley.
LORCA> On the Road?
FLYNPISCES> Yes, and all the other "beat" poets.
LORCA> Uh huh... and Ken Nordine records?
FLYNPISCES> That, doesn't ring a bell, sorry.
.Jzero1> How did Tim meet Fred Neil?
FLYNPISCES> but I'm sure there's lots of Tim material that
would shed more light on that.
FLYNPISCES> My time line is only two years in there! lol!
LORCA> Was Tim a movie fan?
FLYNPISCES> Do you want Fred Neil or movie stuff?
.Jzero1> go bob
LORCA> Let's go with Fred first
FLYNPISCES> We met him at Herb Cohen's house - he bunked
there when he was in town.
LORCA> When would this be?
FLYNPISCES> Bob, don't ask - somewhere between the wedding
and the divorce...lol!
LORCA> O.k. What was your "take" on Neil?
FLYNPISCES> I just "heard" him, mostly. He stayed
in the guest room and strummed his guitar...incredible voice..
FLYNPISCES> It shook the pictures on the wallss.
LORCA> Were he and Tim close?
FLYNPISCES> I don't know.
LORCA> BTW, were you living at Cohen's house?
FLYNPISCES> I was, helping with his little daughter, Tim
was there and gone, again.
LORCA> What was your take on Herb?
FLYNPISCES> He was a very powerful man, and very savvy
in matters legal.
LORCA> Yes--film question. Was Tim a movie buff?
FLYNPISCES> Not that I know of...we didn't spend much time
in the theater, but he had a great knowledge of classic films,
and that was pre-video rental!
LORCA> What did you do on dates, typically?
FLYNPISCES> We used to go to Guerrilla Theater - a live
performance, impromptu theater in L.A.
FLYNPISCES> We'd go to clubs to hear folk music..
FLYNPISCES> We'd drive to Laguna Beach...
FLYNPISCES> Sit on the sand and watch the waves crashing
LORCA> I was there last fall--quite ritzy now. What was
it like in '65-'66?
FLYNPISCES> Very much an artists' community. Quaint and
LORCA> Tim lived there later, in 1970
FLYNPISCES> I've been told.
May I ask a few questions, Mary
FLYNPISCES> Sure, shoot.
.Jzero1> Which of Tim's songs were your favorites?
FLYNPISCES> I've just been revisiting my copy of the Dream
Letter double CD, It's perfection.
FLYNPISCES> I couldn't pick a favorite song to save my
.Jzero1> Were any of tim's songs written to you or about
you that you are aware of?
FLYNPISCES> Well, I don't think there's any dispute that
"I Never Asked To Be Your Mountain" was written
about me.
FLYNPISCES> Dream Letter is certainly about me and Jeff...
FLYNPISCES> any other reference to me would have to come
from the man who wrote the songs, and I don't presume
.Jzero1> How do you feel about the resurgence of Tim's
popularity among young artists?
FLYNPISCES> It's great!
.Jzero1> How do you feel about the possibility
FLYNPISCES> Bless their hearts, but no one sings like Tim.
FLYNPISCES> That voice is pure heaven.
.Jzero1> How do you feel about the possibility of young
musicians covering Tim's songs?
FLYNPISCES> More power to them! Sing on!
JAZZ02138> May I please chime in, it's really late here!
.Jzero1> Mary, you're a powerhouse, thanks for handling
every question with dignity and grace.
FLYNPISCES> Please, do!
JAZZ02138> Thanks!
FLYNPISCES> I'm happy to do this.
.Jzero1> go jazz
JAZZ02138> I saw Tim Thanksgiving 1974
LORCA> You've been wonderfully gracious--thanks so much.
JAZZ02138> and we discussed Jeff
FLYNPISCES> Tell me, please.
JAZZ02138> He said there would be lots of time to get to
know him when he was older.
STANAGOL> Mary, did Jeff hear "Look at the Fool",
since it was Tim's most recent album when they met right before
his death?
FLYNPISCES> Jazz: I'm so glad that you said that - it's
a comfort to me, it substantiates my belief that he hadn't
forgotten his son.
FLYNPISCES> Did he say more?
JAZZ02138> He did not forget him!
FLYNPISCES> I weep with thanks!
JAZZ02138> Yes, he said he didn't have a good relationship
with you and didn't feel welcome.
JAZZ02138> I told him tht was no excuse for not seeing
FLYNPISCES> He never knew how much I forgave him! He didn't
know how great my love for him was!
JAZZ02138> I wrote Jeff a letter,
FLYNPISCES> He didn't know that I'd rush to his side with
his son if only he would call.
JAZZ02138> and told him about how Tim wanted to know him
as he got older.
FLYNPISCES> I'm so glad you did! That must have meant much
to him.
JAZZ02138> Yes I sent it overnight to the club he was at
on New Years Eve.
FLYNPISCES> Which year?
JAZZ02138> Not sure, I think the year he died.
FLYNPISCES> Oh! God, I'm SOOO glad you did that! Thank
you, so much! I can't say!
JAZZ02138> He must have gotten it
JAZZ02138> It wasn't sent back
FLYNPISCES> I'm sure he did. Thank God!
JAZZ02138> I told him how Tim wasn't capable of more at
the time.
FLYNPISCES> He knew - and if he didn't know then, he knows,
now. I have letters he wrote that prove to me that he understood.
JAZZ02138> It was Tim's stuff and had nothing to do with
his feelings for Jeff.
FLYNPISCES> I know he was so compassionate that he understood
what his father must have felt.
JAZZ02138> I'm so glad.
FLYNPISCES> You know...Tim had a good heart, and thought
he had all the time in the world.
JAZZ02138> It pained me deeply.
JAZZ02138> Yes he did!
JAZZ02138> He was looking foward to so many things.
FLYNPISCES> It pained us all - the horrible silence - but
love conquers all!
JAZZ02138> But, he was very tired too.
FLYNPISCES> He was SO tired! I wish I could have been a
comfort to him. The walls were too high.
JAZZ02138>The last time I talked with him I said "what
next?" and he said "cardiac arrest".
JAZZ02138> Tim had a lot to cope with.
JAZZ02138> He had no record contract
FLYNPISCES> Too much history and hysteria, and no one to
support him creatively.
JAZZ02138> He had trouble dealing with his emotions.
STANAGOL> I was under the impression that Tim was excited
about playing Woody Guthrie
JAZZ02138> Yes he was.
FLYNPISCES> That would have beenn wonderful for him.
FLYNPISCES> He was born to play that part.
JAZZ02138> I have a screenplay that he wrote with Dan Gordon
FLYNPISCES> Way back when...?
JAZZ02138> Do you know about his writing with Dan?
JAZZ02138> Had "air conditioned " in the title
FLYNPISCES> No. But I know they would have been great collaborators.
STANAGOL> Is it the one with an Indian and Herb Cohen in
an elevator?
LORCA> Full Air-conditioned Inside?
JAZZ02138> No, this wasn't too good
JAZZ02138> Yes, that's it
JAZZ02138> I thought it was very weird
JAZZ02138> I haven't read it in years
LORCA> Tim called it a million dollar comedy that no one
would finance
JAZZ02138> That's funnny
FLYNPISCES> LOLOL! Estute as ever!
STANAGOL> I remember reading that, it was pretty off the
wall, kinda like STARSAILOR
JAZZ02138> Not surprised.
FLYNPISCES> They were ahead of their time, for sure.
JAZZ02138> Like they'd taken acid.
LORCA> Maybe they did!
FLYNPISCES> Didn't a lot of people,then?
JAZZ02138> Not me.
LORCA> Well, yes...
FLYNPISCES> Good for you - me neither.
JAZZ02138> I just did grass
.Jzero1> Jazz...Do you mind, if I ask again, who you are?
JAZZ02138> I'd rather not say.
JAZZ02138> Just knew him from 67 to 75
FLYNPISCES> I'd rather not dwell on the *drug thing*, if
you all don't mind.
.Jzero1> Well, that's a good idea.
JAZZ02138> That's fine with me, but he was NO ADDICT!!
.Jzero1> Thanks again Mary for coming by this evening.
FLYNPISCES> Jazz: That's born out by the autopsy report.
For sure.
LORCA> I want to second that--you've been great
.Jzero1> would you like to say anything in closing
FLYNPISCES> Thanks, guys.
JAZZ02138> Yes, that's so.
JAZZ02138> They didn't get him to the hospital
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